Hi ! This is my page, the place I created to introduce myself, to share ideas, opinions and information on things that interest me: psychology, psychotherapy, education, human-animal connection, ethology, animal behavior and others. I am a psychologist and I teach Psychology of Education and Classroom Management at the Teaching Staff Training Department of the Bucharest National University of Music. Off-campus, I am a psychologist and researcher at the “Dogs for People” Animal Assisted Therapy and Human-Animal Interaction Research Center in Bucharest. My research is focused on education, the human-animal interaction, Animal Assisted Therapy and animal behavior.

Academic Positions

  • Present2016


    Bucharest National University of Music, Department, Teaching Staff Training Department

  • 20162015

    Assistant Professor

    Bucharest National University of Music, Department, Teaching Staff Training Department

Education & Training

  • Ph.D. 2016

    Ph.D. in Psychology

    Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca

  • Online Class 2014

    Animal Behaviour and Welfare

    The University of Edinburgh

  • Online Class 2014

    Animal Welfare

    Ethology Institute Cambridge

  • Post-University Degree 2007

    Animal Assisted Therapy and Activities in human social development

    Babe -Bolyai Univesity, Psychology Department, Cluj-Napoca

  • Masters Degree 2007

    Analytical Psychotherapy

    ``Spiru Haret`` University, Faculty of Sociology-Psychology, Bucharest

  • Bachelor's Degree 2005

    University Degree in Psychology and Sociology

    ``Spiru Haret`` University, Faculty of Sociology-Psychology, Bucharest